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Financial Advisor Toolbox | Standard & Poor's

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Market Data and News Research Tools
Dow Jones Argus Albridge
Interactive Data Corporation Convergex Group Advent
Thomson Reuters Credit Suisse Equifax
  Market Edge MoneyGuidePro
  Morningstar Morningstar
  The Ranking Service NaviPlan
  Standard & Poor's Redtail
  Thomson Reuters Salesforce.com
    Black Diamond
Standard & Poor’s (S&P) MarketScope® Advisor. MarketScope® Advisor provides you with access to market commentary, independent investment analysis, news and data on a broad range of asset classes, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, variable annuities and options.
Stock Reports. S&P provides coverage on over 8,000 U.S. and non-U.S. companies and qualitative buy, sell or hold opinions and STARS (Stock Appreciation Ranking System) rankings on over 1,300 U.S. companies and over 430 non-U.S. companies.
European MarketScope. European MarketScope is an independent, realtime newswire that provides news and commentary on European equities. European MarketScope journalists focus on factors that make a difference to share price and publish a unique combination of news, commentary and strategy, saving clients from the daily deluge of information and providing the keys to making better investment decisions. 
News and Commentary. MarketScope provides editorial commentary and analysis in MarketMovers, Research Notes, Street Talk, Broker Views and News, Trader Tactics, and Trends and Ideas.
ETF Reports. Gain access to S&P’s proprietary ETF research, which provides detailed analysis on more than 500 domestic and international equity ETFs.
Mutual Funds Research. S&P mutual fund research provides rankings, commentary and holdings-based analysis on over 22,000 mutual funds.
Hypothetical Portfolios. MarketScope’s new analysis tool provides a means to create hypothetical portfolios that are tailored to client needs and that illustrate not only the effects of contributions, withdrawals and rebalancing, but also tax rates, expenses, inflation and more.
Bonds Research. S&P’s bond research provides intraday data, commentary and ratings actions on over 45,000 issuers and 200,000 issues.
HoldingScan. Analyze the underlying holdings of a portfolio—including stocks, mutual funds and ETFs—to evaluate your clients’ asset allocation, sector weightings and benchmark performance against major indices.
Watchlists. Create and easily monitor customized lists of stocks, funds and ETFs.
Options. Standard & Poor’s Options Strategies is a new, disciplined approach to options investing that offers you structured options strategies based on S&P’s equity research. The S&P options service provides resources to help educate you on hedged strategies and address specific questions in order to enhance your due diligence with your clients.

Valor Financial Securities LLC. Member FINRA & SIPC